Sunday, November 29, 2015

Week 14, Tech Tip: You Tube Playlist

For this week's Tech Tip, I decided to make a You Tube Playlist. It was very easy to do. I always use youtube to find videos that will help me with school, including this class. For this class, I have found many videos about Vikram and Vetal on youtube. However, I never thought about making a playlist.
Here is a link to some of my favorite songs.

Image result for youtube

Week 13, Tech Tip: Weather Widget

I added a weather gadget to my blog. I feel so Tech savvy after learning all these tech tips. These tech tips sounds so complicated, however very easy to do. To add a weather gadget, only think we had to do is click on the design, layout and add a gadget. Paste the HTML code in the box given and you were able to add a gadget to your blog.

Find more about Weather in Norman, OK
Weather gadget I added to my blog

Week 13: Growth Mindset

Finals week is coming. It is going to so stressful. Usually, during finals week, I get stressed really easily and end up not able to study. I have a slight exam anxiety, which makes it even worse. So for this finals week, I am planning on trying a different approach. I am going to start studying for finals this week and hopefully try to finish all the materials by the end of this week, so I won’t have to stress much. One main thing that I want to do is get enough sleep. I think what makes me do poor on exams is lack of sleep and my test anxiety. 


Week 13: Reading Feedback

I chose the specific reading section because I was doing my project over the same topic. The reading that I am did was Twenty – Two Goblins. It was a translation of Vikram and Vethal from Sanskrit to English. I really enjoyed reading this for my reading diaries and storybook. The part about the clever friend of the prince who got the prince and the princess get married, was one of my favorite stories. I usually read a big chunk at a time so I spent about 30 minutes to an hour for each reading. I usually do my reading at work in bizzell library, next to the computer lab. I used the free online version because it helped me have an access to the reading at any time I want.

Vikram and Vethal

Week 13: Review

What caught my attention from the announcement is the proverb – he that hunts two hairs will catch neither. Why I chose this is because I have a tendency to do that. I try to do two things at once, sometimes even more than two things at once and end up not able to finish all my works. I learned a valuable lesson to do one thing at a time, that way I will be able to at least finish what I am working on.  


Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 13: Growth Mindset

For this week’s growth Mindset, I am planning on trying to get ahead in my evolution and molecular biology class. By the end of week thirteen, I will have enough points to make an A in Epics of India class. SO my goal is to also get ahead in other classes, so I won’t have to stress out during dead week and finals week. So my plan first is to finish all the assignment as much as I can in all classes by the end of this week. This way, I will have more room for studying, instead of focusing on completing assignments. So a big chunk of my studies will be over. 

Study ahead

Week13, Reading Diary B

For this week's Reading Diary, I did 18th Goblin through conclusion from Twenty- Two Goblins. I was very happy with the ending of the story. When I started reading about the monk, I did feel like there was something not right about him. I really liked the Goblin and I am glad that he got to come back in to life. In addition, I am happy the evil monk finally got what he deserved.
