Monday, September 7, 2015

Week 3, Reading Diary A: Public Domain Ramyana

Ramayana is truly disturbing and depressing. Siblings wanting each other's blood and Men/ Women ( or Rakshasa and Gods ) desiring someone else's wife/ husband. It also included so many bloodthirsty wars. It was sad to see that Vali is not able to forgive his brother Sugriva and Sugriva battled against Vali which caused Vali's death. Hanuman though that sun was a fruit and tried to catch it was funny. His leap to Lanka caught my attention. His fights with the Rakshasi was interesting. His determination and courage was admirable. In addition, he was doing it for a friend and not himself shows how selfless he is. Hanuman's birth story was interesting. Sita’s stayed true to Rama even when Ravana tortured her. He tempted her with power and wealth; however, love for her husband was more important to her than any wealth or power to her.
Ravanan torturing Sita

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