Thursday, October 8, 2015

Week 7, Famous Last Words

Reading this week hasn’t been as productive. I missed one of the reading diaries for this week, and had to skim through the readings. Next week I am planning on reading everything ahead. So this will not happen again. I have finished a lot of extra credit this week. I am planning on doing some more extra credits for next week if I end up finishing this week’s assignment early. It seems like I might be able to get done with this week’s assignments early. Only class that actually required writing is this class, so my best writing is indeed in this class. I am wanting to improve my writing skills, for that I realized doing my writing last minute will not help, I will have to start my writing early and go back,  re- read and edit it at least two times. I have read other people’s story telling this and last week. It is very interesting to read everyone’s stories because each person has a different writing style and one can learn and get new ideas by reading other’s writings. One of my favorite is reading the storytelling of my classmate/ friend Davis. He adds a lot of inside jokes and relate the stories to his friends (he sometimes even includes their name).             Since I missed class on Friday and Monday in order to go to New York, I was behind on a lot of school work, so I am finally catching up on those. I just took two exams just this week. One on Tuesday and other one was Wednesday. My exam on Wednesday was really hard. For next exam, I plan on studying at least three weeks ahead. It was that hard. Only work I have left for this week is project feedback, project and blog comments.
How I feel a lot of times

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