Thursday, October 22, 2015

Week 9, Story telling; The Hidden Threasure

Once upon a time, there was a prince named Mahajanaka, son of king Aritthajanka. He was supposed to rule over Mithila; however before he was born his father was killed in a battle by the king Poljanaka. His poor mother, the queen of Mithila had to run away while she was carrying Mahajanaka to a neibhouring state called Kalachampa. A Brahmana took the queen under his wing and welcomed her to his home. His wife and he took care of the pregnant queen as their own sister.
One day Mahajanaka was playing with his friends and they all got in to a fight. Mahajanaka being the strongest child beat everyone up. They all decided to go tell their father about Mahajanaka. Then they realized that Mahajanaka does not have a father and made fun of him. He went home crying to his mom asking who his father is. Finally, the queen had to tell her son his identity and who his father is. Queen never told her son about his identity because she was scared that the enemies would come find them and kill the heir to the throne – Mahajanaka. After Mahajanka found out who he really is, he dreamt about taking back Mithila from Poljanaka. He started preparing for that day when he will take over Mithila.
When Mahajanaka came of age, he approached his mother and asked if she has any money to fund his trip.  When she asked why he wants the money, he replied by saying
“Mother, I think it is time for me to achieve my goal. I want to over throw Poljanaka and get back out kingdom. For that, I will need money to start a business and with the profit of the business, I want to fund an army to fight against Poljanaka.”
Hearing this, his mother was so proud. She offered him the money she had and he took off on a journey to start a business. While he was on the ocean, he encountered a storm and the ocean washed him out to Mithila’s shores.  When he was at Mithila, he learned that the king had died and whoever marries his daughter will become the king.
The princess had many proposals before, however she turned all of them down. However, when Mahajanaka entered, she was pleased with him.
The princess had agreed to marry Mahajanaka. Little did Mahajanaka knew that to marry the princess he had to pass three tests. With his intelligence, braveness and patience, he won all the challenged and married the princess. Thus, he became the king of Mithila.  

The hidden Treasure
Amar Chita Katha: The Hidden Treasure 
Author's note
I didnt change anything about the story. Only thing I have done was cut out a lot of part and didn't explain the challenges. I might come back to this story and elaborate it a bit more. 


  1. Hey Anu!
    I really enjoyed your story. It was really interesting. One thing I noticed though was a misspelling in the title. I think you might have misspelled “treasure” with “Threasure.” That is the only thing I really noticed. I did not find any other mistakes or anything. The breaks between you paragraphs made sense. Your story was clear and concise. I look forward to reading more of you stories!

  2. Hi Anu. I enjoyed reading your story. I can see that Mahajanaka was kind of destined to deal with a lot of hardship before he was able to fulfill his destiny. One of the things I like though is that he ended up achieving his goals in an almost completely different way than what he set out to do. It's fitting that his path be placed before him after dealing with so much hardship.

  3. Hi, Anu!
    I enjoyed reading this a lot! Getting to see what everyone chose to read this week has been so interesting. I did find myself getting a little swept away with the quick progression of the story, so I am really excited to read again when you get the chance to come back and elaborate more on all of these exciting life events!

  4. Hi Anu's! Great story. Mahajanka reminds me of Arjun from Mahabharata. They both come from prestigious families, they did not know who they were and they are very powerful men. You also wrap your story off in a good cliffhanger Other than a couple of spelling errors like "neighbouring" your story is pretty good. I cant wait to read the next part!
